The Northwest Radon Coalition is an ad-hoc consortium of public health agencies, academics, non-profit organizations, and radon professionals, working together to raise awareness about the risks of radon exposure in our region.
Each January, the Coalition hosts the Radon Forum Northwest, a public event featuring a panel of experts, a wide-ranging discussion of what radon is, where it comes from, how to test for radon, and how to mitigate a home or building should elevated levels be found.
The Northwest Radon Coalition has been active since 2012, meets quarterly, and is co-chaired by Duane West of 3Rs Construction and Carolee Cooper of the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare.
President's Award and Memorial for Steve Tucker
Steve served as a national director for AARST. He was the chair of the mitigation committee and has been very active since the beginning of the coalition. He will be missed.